
At, we have compiled a guide for some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that our patients have consulted us with to provide you an ease of mind on our consultation charges :

  1. How does survive with $10 consultation charges?
  2. How much will I be charged?
  3. Why am I charged $25?
  4. I got disconnected before seeing the doctor. I did not receive my medical certificate (MC), prescription(s) or letter. Have I been charged?
  5. Are there any extra charges?

How does survive with $10 consultation charges?

By leveraging on the use of technology and streamlining the needs of the patient, we are able to make tele-consultations more efficient yet remain affordable.

By saving time, we save cost – and the savings are passed on to you!

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How much will I be charged?

There is a flat charge of $10 for simple teleconsult and $25 for extended/complex teleconsults. For simple teleconsult, no medications or referral letters will be issued. Medicines are to be paid separately.

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Why am I charged $25?

This is a complex consult charge of which the consultation is long or if medicine has been ordered.

It also usually applies if your consultation includes medical opinion(s) from the Attending Doctor, and/or requires additional time to prescribe medicine(s) and/or generate memo / referral letter.

However, if you feel that you have been wrongly charged, please raise a support ticket with the “Consult ID” and our friendly team will respond to you within 24 hours.

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I got disconnected before seeing the doctor. I did not receive my medical certificate (MC), prescription(s) or letter. Have I been charged?

Please check under ‘My Past Consultation’ on the status of your last teleconsultation. If the last teleconsultation consultation is not reflected, you are encouraged to raise a new consult.

You will not be charged for the missed consult. However, it will take up to 5 working days depending on your Bank / your Card Issuer to update your statements.

If you believe that you might have been charged in this situation, please raise a support ticket with the “Consult ID” and our friendly team will respond to you within 24 hours.

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Are there any extra charges? prides itself to be transparent with its charges – standard charges all day / night, everyday. Our system does not allow the doctor to make additional consultation charges. There is no additional charge unless in circumstances that you require a detailed medical report for insurance, an admin fee will be charged.

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